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The Girls Of The Indonesia International MotorShow 2008

dsc_9153_600Girls, one of the most important defining factors for an event. Lots of hot girls equal successful event, scarce, average looking girls and you’ll be facing a very disappointed crowd. Sure there are the cars and other mini events that can make a event successful but can you imagine attending an event with great cars and plenty of entertainment but no girls? I can’t.


So I’m guessing the organisers of the Indonesia International Motorshow recognised that fact because they jam packed all the halls with girls that looked like they had just stepped out of an Indonesian magazine. I’m sure they weren’t that hard to find though because there an abundance of gorgeous girls on the streets of Jakarta, well, more than there are here anyway.


I can’t tell you how much fun I had taking these pictures but I hope these pictures reflect on the atmosphere the show generated, these are just the girls at the booths, the visitors were pretty hot as well, I just didn’t wanna look like a creep taking their pictures, but trust me, Jakarta is worth a visit. The people are nice, girls are aplenty, the clubs are very welcoming, the cars are cheaper than there are here, and most of all, people are polite. Enjoy the pictures.




  • C
  • Jul 26, 2008
Damn .. I was planning to visit IIMS during my trip to Jakarta .. but can't make it due to short time period & stuck with meetings & more meetings. ....

Yup, I would agree JKT is a nice place to visit, people r friendly, gurls r very pretty at Senayan Mall which ur eyes will pop out or your drool at ...

last but not forgetting ... the nite life in JKT is totally crazy !!!! something tat i guess Kesny would agree with me ..

Cheers ... nice pictures of JKT Cewek !!!
  • 2
  • Jul 26, 2008
malaysian event girl prettier
  • T
  • Jul 26, 2008
not too bad..but 1 thing..GT QUEENS + BRACES..?? NO!
yes cgui.. i totally agree with u about the nightlife in JKT.. i had a blast.. and agree with tim as well.. NO braces..
  • P
  • Aug 25, 2008
Cool cars!!! Cool chicks!!! Everything COOOOLLLLL!!!
  • J
    jasem naseer jafar
  • Nov 7, 2009
great and welldone work,i wonder if it possible to have an email address of (babes of iims 2008)DSC_0003 ,please i will send her flowers.thank you
haha.. you're joking rite ??
Ive been reading your blog a while, and wanted to let you know I feel that you have an awesome site.